No more trying to do a full resolution, full disk animation! Particularly with a quiet disk! Trying to work with the files and actually get something to post correctly was too much hassle so I finally cropped out the area of the NE limb where there was some nice eruptive prom activity. After the Zoom call on Sunday I'm not sure if these would qualify as Disparition Brusque or not since they don't "gently" lift away! Fun to watch, although I may have been a bit heavy handed on the processing from trying to bring out details in less than wonderful seeing. The usual equipment, Lunt LS60T DS/Player One Saturn-M SQR. Animation runs from 13:19 - 15:07 UTC. I'm up north closing the cottage with my sibs and just hoping for a clear evening to catch the comet over the lake.
Animation of NE limb (rotated for viewing)
Link to Astrobin