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Collimation using artificial star

Celestron Mount
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#1 jcschultz01


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Posted 30 October 2024 - 03:43 PM

I am using an MEII and a C14 EDGE with 0.7x reducer plus a ZWO 6200mm in 2x2 binning mode.  I don't use an eyepiece. 

I am trying to get the C14 collimated.

I have made some progress in that my stars are no longer teardrops but my best HFD after automated focussing (TheSkyX or Voyager) is about 7.5 with 2x2 binning.

1x1 bining is about twice that.


I am now trying an artifical "star"  (Hubble Optics)  in the hopes this would be easier.  

The artifical star light source is mounted in the attic of my garage about 30' from the observatory, which is as far as I can get without dismounting the telescope, etc.


But I can't focus on the artifical star. 


So looking for suggestions for getting the C14 in focus and aligned to the artificial star.  I have spent 4 hours on two separate nights trying and I cannot get the C14 to even close to an in-focus image over most of the range of the Optec FastFocus nor by moving the main mirror of the C14 with a Starizona. 


On an semi-related note, I have been unable to make either TheSkyX or Voyager remember where the "star" is located in my attic.  It does not rotate with the night sky since it is fixed in my garage. BTW, The mount doesn't have tracking on. 


Attached is a out of focus star showing my collimation from Oct 23.  This is a couple days old and I have the collimation a little better but still not perfect. 


Thanks for any suggestions. I have a couple cloudy nights coming up so a good time to work with the artificial star.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 00000472.TPoint calibration point_ 38.jpg

#2 drmikevt


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Posted 30 October 2024 - 03:53 PM

Have you tried it without the reducer?  That distance should be sufficient for most scopes, but maybe not a C14 beastie.


Also, in TSX, you can create a new profile, and then set park when the scope is pointing at the artificial star.  Then, switch back to your normal profile and you will have your normal park back.

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