Typically Pixinsight WBPP takes 30 minutes to an hour on my Mac M1. For fun I tried a simple siril-cli script to fully process 297 images from last night, and the entire process was done in 6 minutes! I removed the stars, because that's the way I like it. PSA for the minority of us with very long integration times in Pixinsight on a Mac. I welcome any tips since this is my first siril script. Well not really mine, since I copied snippets from all over.
#!/bin/zsh initdir=$(pwd) ######## Set your own variables ############# SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY=$initdir SIRIL_PATH=/Applications/SiriL.app/Contents/Resources/bin/siril-cli ############################################# # Removing process folder if exists # rm -rf $SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY/process echo "Running siril script in $initdir" $SIRIL_PATH -d $SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY -s - <<ENDSIRIL requires 1.0.0 convert a3 -debayer -ser -out=process cd process seqsubsky a3 -rbf register bkg_a3 -drizzle stack r_bkg_a3 rej 3 3 -norm=addscale -output_norm -out=../result close ENDSIRIL echo done
chmod u+x script.sh
script.sh *.fit