I want to try out Astro Panel 2025 (Photoshop Plugin). I have never used it before. Also, I am new to Photoshop. The documentation I have seen so far, such as what is called a "user guide", tells me how to install. It also has many sections describing various features, but not how I would actually use those features.
So, I bought Astro Panel 2025, double clicked on the .ccx file, entered the Authentication number. So, now I can open up Photoshop, and see the AP panel in Photoshop. I have my sets of Red, Green, Blue, Ha, etc. image files. Now what? There is no documentation of the steps I need to go through. Nor have I been able to find a youtube video that shows these steps. I don't know if I load in stacks of images with File/Open, if I need to start a project using some File/New, or if I need to arrange the images files in some particular directory structure? Or do I need to hold the laptop upside down and shake it?
I'm sure that a part of my problem is that I am new to Photoshop. But I am very interested in trying out a photoshop based solution because I want to learn and use photoshop also for other photography purposes. Maybe if I already had significant experience in photoshop, this would be intuitive. But I don't have that experience. I really could use some step by step directions, but I can't find any.
Please Advise!