I had the Meade 12" SCT out again, hoping for a more pleasant experience than last time. After reseting and training the mount and replacing the straight through finder with my RACI, it was a little easier to find and capture the planet, but the "beep and creep" issue (when the mount moves in the opposite direction after releasing the direction buttons) was still a problem. Maybe a firmware update might help fix this.
Anyway, Tethys was transiting Saturn and I was able to capture the end of the passage across the planet with the ASI224MC, and finished with a wide angle shot using my ASI533MC Pro capturing 6 moons.
Here is the Tethys transit shown as an animation, with the moon enhanced a little and its shadow just visible below the rings' shadow.
Here's the wide angle with (L-R) Iapetus, Rhea, Dione, Enceladus, Titan and Tethys (click to show full size).
Images captured using a Meade LX-90 12" SCT, ZWO ADC, Televue 2.5x Powermate, ASI224MC and ASI533MC Pro cameras.