WOW! Awesome to get so many replies. Thanks everybody.
@SeattleScott initially we were looking through double glazed windows, which is why I took it outside, there was no improvement. Reflection from my eyeball, not something I have noticed before when using other telescopes. However, I did recently have cataract surgery and new lenses inserted (in my eyes). Unfortunately this is not the solution as my wife who has normal eyes (whatever normal is) also sees the 'ghostly' image.
@oldphotonm No camera - just my eyes. If I could get a photo of it I would post the actual photo. I might try that tonight. No glasses, however I've got new lenses in my eyes, however as mentioned to Michael, my wife with normal eyes sees the same thing. The top edge, it's probably about 1/3 of the moon, same size.
@michael8554 OTA - no idea. What would an OTA look like? The eye piece, there seems to be two. First in line is a Meade 2x telenegative followed by a Meade MA25mm.
@JOEinCO I will try just the eye piece tonight and see what that looks like. It could well be any piece of glass or reflection in the telescope. I have no idea of the history - whether it was dropped at some time before I took possession.
@Echolight I had another telescope in Australia and didn't see reflections like this. Also, I'm getting a similar issue looking at stars, although the offset is much greater, and there are two reflections instead of one. I'm hoping it's something simple that can be fixed.
@triplemon Would I have to disassemble the telescope to find this? My guess is that it is the original that came with the telescope. I have nothing to suggest that anything has changed from the original product, but maybe something has moved inside. I will check in the focusing makes any changes to the ghost image tonight and let you know.
Is there a simple method of getting a photo of what I can see through the telescope. At this point I'm thinking I will just stick my iphone camera over the eye piece and see if something appears that I can capture. If you have any other suggestions I'm all ears.