Those of us who belong to PixInsight Forum got a memo today explaining that, among other things, the PixInsight Forum does not permit mention of any competing products, not even third-party PixInsight add-ons.
That seems restrictive, until you consider:
- They are a commercial venture, and that is their support forum; it's not for supporting anything that's not theirs. It is not an amateur forum like Cloudy Nights. [I'm consulting for a financial software company right now, and we'd be puzzled if anyone used our support system to ask questions or make assertions about somebody else's product.]
- It would be bad if their forum were used to disparage a competing product. Companies don't do that. It could even provoke a lawsuit. [Bear in mind they are not under American or British law -- they are in Spain, where traditions are different, I don't know exactly how.]
- It's also not desirable for their forum to be used to promote a competing product. They indicate that if this were permitted, there would be an unlimited amount of it, and PixInsight's own forum would turn into advertising for competitors.
- Perhaps most importantly (I suppose), when they read their own forum they want to see actual feedback about their own product, not chit-chat about astrophotography in general.
So... I understand all this. PixInsight is a commercial product. Lots of very interesting technical work is going on. They want us to use forums like Cloudy Nights for discussions that are not PixInsight-specific. And that's fair enough!
I thank the PixInsight team for bringing us such a powerful product. It's not free, it's not cheap, but it's what I rely on.
Edited by Michael Covington, 13 November 2024 - 10:11 PM.