Recent theory, pointing out the failure of the search of Dark Matter, proposed that a Dark Big Bang occured at the beginning of the Universe.
The assumption/obligation was to stay within ΛCDM framework.....
Here a small abstract:
"By requiring that the dark big bang model is consistent with standard ΛCDM cosmology and all available relevant cosmological observations, we fully determine the parameter space of the dark sector tunneling field potential."
Here the paper:
This choosen path shows that they take for granted all the assumptions that are at the basis of ΛCDM (GR is one of them).
They propose "Dark WiMPs" to reside in the Dark sectors:
"Dark WIMPs are analogous to the well known WIMP model for particle dark matter, the difference being dark WIMPs annihilate into dark radiation that resides in the dark sector" (from the paper).
Meaning for them that It is normal not to find the WiMPs or Dark WiMPs. If we, hypothetically, find something It would only be the Dark radiation......
But another path is to expand GR and see where it leads US:
This way to conceptualize the universe gives us a bi-metric approach, with an added field equation for negative mass.
These are two different ways to deal with the actual theory problem.
1_ Stay within actual framework. Meaning, among other things, that with GR, Humanity has already found the definitive law of Gravity.
2_ expand GR (just like It has been done to Newton, in order to get to GR) and get a law of Gravity that matches the actual observations.
(MOND theory would somehow fit inside the second possibility).
The conceptual choice is the important thing there, math will then follow.
If we keep ΛCDM, the results will be more dark stuffs added in order to fit the observations, just like in this "Dark Big Bang theory", without solving the previous needed Dark matter.... Kind of crazy.
P.S.: if for someone It is relevant, both papers have been peer reviewed and published.
Edited by Olimad, 04 December 2024 - 01:55 AM.