Recently I’ve acquired very slightly used APM 140/980 Apo for planetary and double star work. This September, at our annual star party, we had excellent seeing and views od double stars and planets was better in 130 Takahashi than in my 20” Dob. View was more detailed in 20”, but aesthetically more pleasing in Tak. After that Apo was on my shopping list.
Two months later I bought APM 140 semi-Apo (ED). Since then, I’m having a blast with APM. Views of double stars are really good (just very weak red CA is visible in most extreme cases) and planets are really sharp and full of colours. I’ve decided to sketch occasionally double stars, especially when they are nice and colourful.
STF 174 was sketched on Nov 23rd in mediocre seeing (around 1.5”) and STF 644 on Dec 1st at good seeing (1.3 to 1.5”). Both drawings were colorized in Photoshop after scanning and inverting originals.