My CPAP is my competition now. LOL!
And getting my Astrophotography on a remote operation allows my sleep therapy to flourish.
After my career of electrical repair and troubleshooting, perfecting things comes second nature.
So, Astrophotography is a perfect hobby for me, as long as I'm not hoisting my 35+ pound telescope up and down every day.
But I like to "Rage Against the Machine". My CPAP keeps score of how my nights sleep goes.
Best is a 100. It P's me off when it takes points away because of "events" during the night. Stupid machine! Its JOB is to help avoid "Events". (An event being where I stop breathing, then start suddenly again. hence, why I have a CPAP in the first place.)
So having finally reached the point I dreamed of 10 years ago, with my AP being run by NINA and able to pick a target easier than pickin a booger, I can sleep 7 hours or more, score a 100 on my blasted CPAP, and get my full nights images to play with.
I am, or was, a Steak and Tator's guy. I'd have a steak and potato for dinner several times a week. Cholesterol in the Arteries is the culprit that leads to a "heart attack". Our affluent eating lifestyles.
Remember the commercials we always saw? BEEF! It's what's for Dinner!
After you reach the heart attack age you, or at least I, look at a piece of beef and see cholesterol.
When I could travel again, the wife and I made a trip to visit Mom (her foster Mom) up in Roseville, CA. Rollin along we were ready for some lunch.
I felt like going in and sitting down to eat. So, I pulled up the horses at a Denny's diner.
We went and ordered our lunches then began looking over the nutritional sheet at our table. Well, that was a mistake.
Trying to be mindful of my new dietary needs, I ordered a Turkey Club sandwich. The Nutritional sheet shown I had ordered 2460 milligrams of sodium, on my 2000 milligrams a day restriction.
So much for trying to eat something healthy. (I am NOT a fan of Turkey)
I've grown accustomed to my lifestyle changes. Reducing sodium was not hard because I didn't usually add salt anyway. I'm not a worry wart reading all the labels of things I buy.
The wife likes chicken, she could eat chicken 7 days a week. Not me, not to that extent. But I like Salmon, especially if I smoke the portions myself. And my doctors like that I like salmon too.
I like to BBQ on a spit a nice Pork roast from a pork loin. Any fat cooks off mostly in the hour or so it's going roundy-round in the barby.
Changes, life is full of changes, and adaptions. My Astrophotography has adapted to my health needs, like trying to beat the CPAP machine by allowing my equipment to work its magic alone out in the cold and dark. Sweet NINA keeping things on course for a good night.
If I want to, I have an extra security camera we wound up with mounted so it can look over my mount and telescope. So, when I get up to pee in the wee hours (Pun intended), I can tap up the camera on my smarter-than-me-phone and see if the telescope has parked, indication that it finished. (It hadn't this morning at 02:54 hours. But was at 07:00 when I got up.) Also noting the machine had cheated again and took away a point giving me a 99 out of 100 points. Stupid machine!
Showing my equipment and NINA are doing their job better than that dam CPAP is.
So yes, Astronomy can make life better. Nobody is taxing the stars, yet. And nobody is saying when we can or can't take pictures.
And NINA is telling me, go, sleep tight. I've got this. Have a good night.
It's all in how you want to do it. Because we all do it differently.
I'll be 75 next March, and 15 years out from my heart attack. But 11 years into my Astro stuff.
Lovin it.
Clear Skies!