What a great little planetary nebula (and it is pretty small. 2arcmin in diameter for the bright inner part and 3arcmin in diameter for the outer halo)! It sits just 1500 lightyears away. It was this object that made Herschel rethink a lot of what he though the heavens were comprised of. I took a full set of LRGB images as well as dedicated OIII and Ha images to give as much detail into this little PN as I could.
Not only is the PN itself just a gem, there are so many interacting galaxies in the background which would easily fit into the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. One very intriguing one to me is one with an interacting double lobed structure (LEDA 1905882). The WISE J04085.78+311431.4 with pinwheel or octopus arms is sitting at a staggering 685 million light years away. It truly must be quite massive to have so much detail resolved on it. Looking through the NED database and IRSA finder charts I may have some of the best resolution of these galaxies in an image.
There is also dust reflecting off bright magnitude 8 star HD26125 that is designated Ced28 Interstellar Medium.
Video I made on this image: https://youtu.be/SI1RpejabMQ
This is a slightly cropped in version (for better framing) of the full version which is available for viewing in this revision.
Comments and suggestions welcome!
Close in showing the size of the Crystal Ball
WISEA J040802.77+301508.8
WISEA J041036.53+301728.5
Hardstretch of the dust of Ced28