Last night I observed Mars with my 7 inch mak and I was amazed at what I was seeing in the eyepiece. With excellent seeing I was able to capture some nice Mars data. A night I will never forget. I captured enough data for 19 stacked images which I then turned into an animated GIF. I'm not sure but I think I also captured some clouds just below the polar ice caps. This is the first time I have properly imaged Mars and hopefully I will get good seeing like this again. Firecapture's guiding feature also worked without problems making things much easier through the night.
Equipment: Celestron AVX mount, Skywatcher Skymax 180 pro, Astromania ADC, Omegon Vtec 585c, Firecapture, 1500 gain, 1ms shutter, 5 minute videos at 172fps.
Stacked best %40 of frames in Autostakkert4 and sharpened in Registax 6.
Any comments and advice appreciated.
Also, I forgot to add. Is there a better way in which I can make an animation of the rotation?
Edited by valiant491, 06 December 2024 - 01:01 PM.