I know Schmidt corrector plates are made at a commercial scale by sucking glass down over a vacuum, then doing the shaping, then removing the plate from the vacuum surface. A thin plate deformed by having a uniform force applied to it produces a curve that is described by a fourth-order polynomial radially, and this fourth-order approximation is close enough to the "true" shape of a Schmidt corrector.
There's probably an obvious answer to this, but why not just deform a relatively thin glass mirror blank over a vacuum in the same way, then grind a spherical surface into it, then remove it to produce a corrected spherical mirror that closely approximates a paraboloid? The vacuum applied could be adjusted such that the fourth order terms in the Taylor expansion of the equation describing the spherical surface and the polynomial describing the plate deformation exactly cancel, producing a mirror that, ideally, only deviates from a parabola in the sixth degree. This sixth degree deviation would be so negligible as to make the resulting mirror a paraboloid for almost all intents and purposes.
So, why not do this? It seems like it should speed up the process of mirror making by obviating the need for much of the typical parabolizing. I can think of a couple problems (for instance, sensitivity to wedge in the blank/mirror), but none that seem fatal to this idea. At the same time, I figure there's a reason this isn't already done--there's no way I'm the first to think of this.