I have two sketches of Messier 31 that I've done that I'll fess up to. I find M31 hard to sketch. I would like you to know which one you prefer.
1. November 2013; Forest 006 Site 1: Antoniadi II; 14" f/4.5 dob with 17.3 Delos; 20mm Pentax XW, 30mm ES 82 degree.
I like the lanes I captures and overall I tried to keep the star field accurate but the core .... and it is not oval enough for me.
2. Messier 31 December 2024; Forest Road 006 Top of the World, Antoniadi II, 17.5 f/4.4 dob; 31mm Nagler, 35mm Panoptic, 26mm Nagler, 22 T4 Nagler.
I love the shape I captured here and the hint of the dark lanes. Cores here need some work and I should have built up the pastel in the core more until it matched the brightness I was seeing.
Anyway, would love thoughts on which one you prefer.