I recently started imaging with a mono setup using an SV605MC with Optolong SHO NB filters (7nm) on a WO ZS61II. The first night I imaged, I noticed I had some issues with Ha and Sii flats because the EL panel I use does not emit much light in those bands. I ended up not using flats for Ha, and the Oiii flat was fine, so I was able to make a decent HOO image.
Yesterday, there was finally a bit of clear sky again and I was able to gather 2h of Sii. While waiting for the clouds to disappear, I shot flats and dark flats (35x 3.5s, used automated calibration in ekos at 10.000 ADU). I noticed the flat frames came out a bit weird since the Oiii flats and flat with my DSLR always just had vignetting and the odd dust spot, but the Sii flats show a weird pattern (right image below). I didn't think much of it, and today I tried preprocessing the data using WBPP.
The result is as follows: I initially stacked the data with the flats, resulting in the middle image. I was surprised that there was such strong vignetting, so I tried processing the data without flats (just using a master dark, nothing else) and the result can be seen on the left.
It seems to me like incorporating the flats caused a strong decrease in SNR, and instead of dividing by the master flat, WBPP actually multiplied it, making the pattern of the flat very visible in the middle 'calibrated' image.
I have not had any issues with WBPP before, leaving everything in it's default settings, so I am unsure what caused this or where to start debugging it. I know the basics of what goes on behind the screen, but can't analyze it step-by-step (yet).
Does anyone have an idea of what is going on here?
I'm using the latest version of PI (1.8.9-3) on Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS.