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Need help - How to save CPWI Detailed Logging files

Beginner Celestron Software
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#1 garykk


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Posted 19 January 2025 - 06:47 PM

I am looking for some help because I can't seem to find this information anywhere. I have a Celestron Evolution 8 with an alt az mount, and have recently been experiencing the issue where it is switching hemispheres and thinks it's pointing 180 degrees out. I have gone in to CPWI and enabled the logs by going into Settings > More Setting > Reporting > Enable detailed logging. With that enabled, I had a session where I was able to recreate the issue, but now I can't seem to find the logs. Where do the details logs save on my computer? I have searched the Program Files in the Celestron / CPWI folder, but can't seem to find them anywhere. Did I do something wrong? Do I have to close CPWI in order to save the logs? Looking for some help with some more detailed information on how to do this so I can look into the issue more and hopefully fix it, since it has gotten to the point where I can only have about 5 minutes before switches hemispheres and I can no longer do any tracking or photo capturing. Thank you in advance!

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