Short backstory: my best viewing nights tend to be around this time of year...which comes with the issue that this is also the coldest time of year, and temperatures below -20C (-5F) are not uncommon. While I don't mind the temperatures (a warm toque + whiskey goes a long way), the arctic winds we get are problematic. -20C in still air is fine...add a stiff breeze and it quickly becomes unbearable. Plus the wind introduces a lot of vibration into my telescope, making observations difficult and imaging impossible.
Any sort of a permanent observatory is not in the cards - it's not in the budget, and I move my scope around to a few locations (only one of which I own) depending on the direction I want to view. I've seen a few "observatory tents" for sale, but they are a) **** expensive for a tent, and b) their instructions state to not use them in wind, both of which eliminate them as meaningful options for me.
I've tried a few things (tarp on poles, plywood "shield" on legs) without much success - anyone solved this issue and be willing to share what you came up with?