Taken about one hour ago from a fixed tripod using a Nikon Z8 and a Nikkor Z 180-600mm zoom lens. More details are in the image captions and you can click on the preview to see the full-sized image (1600 x 1200 pixels) as hosted here on CN.
This is a single frame capture (i.e. no stacking) that I've left rotated instead of placing north up (the latter being given when the camera is somewhat horizontal to the horizon at noon). Thus, north is probably off somewhere to the upper left. Image processing with Photoshop 2025.
I've changed to a different Astrozap solar filter and that may have made a difference in the exposure from my previous shots. Somehow over the last several weeks I've progressed from using exposure times of 1/800s to around 1/400s. I think 1/600s is about right, but it changes somewhat from day to day because of clouds and sky transparency. Plus, it looks like the second solar filter is a little darker than the other (based upon the exposure I used today, with a very clear, deep blue sky).
The seeing conditions today were probably about average, although we are in the middle of a strong and dry Santa Ana condition and the temperatures are in the mid-70s.
Edited by james7ca, 23 January 2025 - 06:05 PM.