Today is the first time I've gotten to see anything out of it. The small focuser on nylon threads works but everything except the tube, objective cover & base plate are really pretty much plastic.
Small aluminum barely 1/2 in focuser knob.
I can see some leaves on a tree about 30 feet away. They are sort of edged in a rainbow of color.
It's still cloudy & tonight will probably be another dud night & maybe rain tomorrow.
I don't think I want to put any more $ in this lenswise as in another Meade 4000 Plossl like a 9.7mm.
Anything I buy should be useful in other scopes.
My eye in on a TV Plossi 32mm. That should be an all around useful ep.
Not sure if the Meade 140 2X triplet long barlow or the Edscorp 8.4-21mm zoom are even good for this scope. I'm afraid as some have said the long barrels on these will hit the mirror???
Should I keep these ep's??? Were they a bad purchase & are they good for a real telescope as I am looking forward to a 8X480 f6ish refractor.
I'd like to test the Edscorp Zoom but how do I know how far is too far? Lined it up externally & it's really close to be near the mirror.
Barrel length is 51 mm below the top lip of ep. If it sets above the mirror but close is it ok? Does the mirror move in operation?
Ohhh, the viewfinder is useless? Can it be focused? It's made in china 8x21mm. The manual explains how to do that. I took it apart to get the black bits out of it that had flaked so it's not prefocused anymore.
Manual says the ep supplied is 1/4 inch shorter than standard...Hmmm. are all series 4000 SP Plossl short? The dilemma continues with getting ep's.
Have to really read the manual. It's a bit overwhelming at first but getting through it.
Edited by Universe XY, Today, 12:26 AM.