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CNers have asked about a donation box for Cloudy Nights over the years, so here you go. Donation is not required by any means, so please enjoy your stay.


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#101 YourNotSirius



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Posted Today, 03:22 PM

Any idea what this is?  Just some Towa variant?
I've an "Orbit 2253" that looks identical (box and all) except for the color (haint blue?) and can find no info about it.

What in the blankity blank is IMGUR? That stuff looked really low rent and stupid. Except for the Orbit telescope. Which leads to the question of is that something you now own or is it something that you are considering acquiring?



#102 reverse_syzygy


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Posted Today, 04:35 PM

Yes, basically it's the same scope but yours has the two hole spanner type srew to hold the focuser knobs and a screw on it's top so yours is likely a hair older. Also that one is not old enough to have the heavy .965"focuser. I have the '63 model and it's the exact same focuser as the CL model and the rack teeth are not cut into the rack tube. The objective cell on the CL Towa makes it a circa 1959-61 model. They look similar to the later objective cells but it's more robust and has the retaining ring on the front.

Thanks!  This has been bugging me since I picked it up.  I can find other Orbit models, never this "2253" one.


What in the blankity blank is IMGUR? That stuff looked really low rent and stupid. Except for the Orbit telescope. Which leads to the question of is that something you now own or is it something that you are considering acquiring?



Imgur is just a free image hosting site.  Not sure what other stuff you looked at, yikes.
The Orbit is a scope I've owned for a while that besides color looks like the CL model linked above.

#103 DouglasPaul


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Posted Today, 05:16 PM






Won't Somebody De-Rust Me?!   ASTRO LN-6E EQ Kit IOB w/ BONUS Takahashi TS-50 OTA:   https://zenmarket.jp...ode=x1168635307


Currently at $76.  Used & Abused, but a good Monsoon Season Indoor Restore??  [I might consider a 50/50 partnership on this one -- I only want the EQ + Pedestal for my Dakin 4.]



$160.00 shipping before it even leaves Japan. If one could see the glass on those two scopes it would still be tempting. That newt looks pretty nice.

#104 DouglasPaul


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Posted Today, 05:23 PM

REDUCED: Vintage Celestron Eyepieces and Accessories

$93.00 shipped conus for the whole set, not a bad deal at all.



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CNers have asked about a donation box for Cloudy Nights over the years, so here you go. Donation is not required by any means, so please enjoy your stay.

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