The ASIAIR Mini has built-in internal storage, but you can easily expand its storage capacity by connecting an external USB flash drive to one of its USB ports to save your astrophotography images; this is the primary way to use external storage with an ASIAIR Mini as it lacks a dedicated SD card slot. ~ Google AI
Howdy folks. I'm looking seriously at an ASIAIR Mini (not interested in the 256GB Plus model) and I'm wondering if anyone has actually used one of the 4 USB ports for plugging in an extra USB thumb drive for additional storage? If so, were you able to use the ASI app to configure the OS to save your images there instead of internally on the emmc? Did you notice any particular problems with transferring files to the USB drive? I'm pretty sure both adding an addition drive and configuring it from the app can be done but it's good to hear from anyone who has actually done it. Cheers and thanks.