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HAE69 CEC For Size Comparison

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#1 Momerath



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Posted 05 February 2025 - 03:18 AM

I was asked a few times on Facebook what the size was for the HAE69CEC. Most wanted to compare it with the AM5N size and weight(obviously its more expensive). So I thought I would post it here for anyone who was interested as well. This is a picture of it on the William Optics Carbon Fiber tripod with extension pier. (Thanks In-laws) with a 2.5kg weight.. This is pretty much the same tripod as the ZWO TC40.


This is now my GoTo for my small AT65EDQ telescope as a travel setup. it works awesome and there is no noticeable vibration in the tripod. I do wish that I could get my hands on the More Blue SP400-MORE BLUE G50-PRO, but its only available in japan. For the Larger 11' Edge HD I use it with a CGEM DX tripod with iOptron Mini Pier (8043).


Ive only had it for 2 months now, and it has been performing quite well. The weather has been horrible here the last month so limited chances to take it out.


Specs if anyone is interested


Weight: 19.8 lbs (9 kg)

Payload w/o CW *  69 lbs (31 kg)

Payload with CW*  79 lbs ( 36kg)

Power off brake  Electronic friction brake

Counterweight Capacity: 10 lbs (4.5kg)(Optional)

* 250mm, with payload center of gravity to the RA rotation axis







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