Interesting and thanks! Maybe it is a driver issue? I put a ticket in to see what happens. By the way it is alot more sensitive in blue. I have nit compared the graphs on the two cameras yet though.
Yeah my hope is it will be my RGB camera of choice, as blue is always the problem. The 462 will remain my IR workhorse (it looks a lot better for methane too fwiw.)
As for the driver, it's complicated. Having written USB drivers myself in the past, I know how much can go wrong. I've had one QHY camera (ironically a 462) and when I ran it on linux I saw incredible CPU usage showing some classic driver design mistakes - and writing USB drivers on linux is simpler than windows, you don't even have to install anything for planetary cameras. However, that was a long time ago and QHY were new back then, but it put me off them forever. The fact their website advertises those as the actual frame rates means it could well be the communication chip they're using to fit into the compact form factor they make them in. Note that ZWO use the standard recommended communication chip that comes with the Sony sensor and Player One use their own custom communication chip - getting slightly faster frame rates and not cropping the last few pixels off the sensor. I may have misunderstood the exact combination of hardware and what's responsible here, but the crux of it is - the QHY probably can't go any faster even with an updated software driver.