I built a new rig. My first mono.
Tested it in my home Bortle 8 location.
Shipped it to a remote observatory.
It was installed the next working day after delivery!
It took me another day to get everything connected and working properly.
I am still very new to mono imaging...
Tonight, I had my first remote session.
Acquired Flats with Wanderer Astro Flat panel. Worked.
Except, every first frame with a new filter was bad (I was aware of that behavior and deleted those frames) - that's Wanderer's driver fault.
Had some issues with guiding - most likely, a flaky USB connection somewhere.
Main camera rotation was off by about 25*. Need to fix this.
February 4, 2025. Bortle 1.
M78 and Boogeyman.
WO Cat 51.
ASI2600 MM Pro. -5C and 100 gain.
90s exposures. LRGB. 40:40:40:40 frames. 4 hours total.
AM5 mount. Guided.
Not sure if I want to do LRGB or just RGB.
Edited by maxsid, 05 February 2025 - 05:26 AM.